Unit 1: Critical Reflection
Raciolinguistic ideology is when people tend to make assumptions about others race and automatically thinks that the person speaks a certain language. For instance, a person speaks English because they're black.
Translanguaging is a system where a person that speaks more than one language is able to select a language to communicate to others. The way you speak tends to change to fit the enviornment to communicate with the people thats around you.
Afrolatinidad/ Afrolatinx is used to take away the masculinty that used in the language. Also so that the gender barriers are broken down in a way to make everyone feel as thogh they belong. And the suffix Afro is used for those in the hispanic culture that are a darker shade compared to the others.
Unit 1: Social Media Post
Unit 2 Target Task (Video)
Unit 2 Language Strategies
1. I can try to practice some words and phrases by myself. Try take down notes of the things that I already know in Spanish or the ones that I've heard and go over them.
2. I could try to engage in a conversation with someone that speaks Spanish. Try my best to ask questions during the conversation and assure the person that I'm talking to, that if I make a mistake that it's okay to correct me. Try to remember some things that were said in the conversation.
3. If I can't think of a word that I'm trying to use, I can use other words to try and explain the word that I'm looking for or in other words I can translanguage.
"My ideal Yarumba meal"
Bueno, para tomar sprite. Quiero deditos de pollo. Para comer pechuga de pollo al grill y arroz blanco con maíz. De postre quiero un helado.
Unit 4
The driver is outside Florida Memorial University and is going to JC Sams.
1.Entra a la universidad.
2. Sigue derecho hasta al final.
3. Luego haz izquierda y sigue derecho.
4. Gire a la derecha y estacione en el parqueo F.
5. Salga de auto y camine hasta el edificio 14 (JC Sams).